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Tumble - your Beach Cleanup Buddy

Simple product design

Plastic pollution

Tumble was created as part of a six week classroom project called Simple Product Design. 

It aims to improve the process of beach cleanups and make the plastic waste collected at beaches easier to recycle. 

Currently, most of the trash that is collected by volunteers during beach cleanups, ends up going to landfills, instead of being recycled. Why?


The plastic waste collected at beaches is filled with sand, and needs to be cleaned off before it can be recycled. Recyclers often find it too expensive and time consuming to clean off this collected sandy waste. They find it more economical to simply dump this waste. 

This is where Tumble comes to intervene.

It is a simple beach cleanup device which can be used for waste collection as well as cleaning, making it easier to recycle the waste during later stages.




Here's a video explaining how Tumble works

tumble infographic


field study
current tools
interview insights
problem identification
design brief
form ideation
product in use
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